Rehabilitation and building capacity
We help people to regain or enhance their participation in the workplace and everyday tasks following injury, illness or disability. We assist you with understanding your condition, identifying required treatment or support, and improving your capacities. We can help link you with other services and systems so that you can rebuild and recover. This may include comprehensive health needs assessments, work site visits, functional capacity evaluations, suitable duties programs, case management and more. Towards Health collaborates with individuals and the people supporting them including insurers, medical professionals and businesses, for health and wellbeing in work and life.
Understanding and restoring function
We help you to identify your core job functions, your ability to perform your job functions, and help you to restore these via planning, management and when needed, interventions and adjustments to your role or the work environment and systems.
Building strength and capacity
We support your active participation in recovery, identifying service gaps and making sure you receive the treatment you need to progressively build strength and capacity following injury, illness or disability. This allows you to get back to being your best and doing the things you love at home at work, whist also preventing a recurrence of injury or ill health.
We provide tailored and integrated interventions for both individuals and businesses, that build capacity and resilience in individuals, workplaces and in systems.
Returning to work and daily living
We help individuals who have been injured at work or outside of work, to regain function and return to work, general life and daily living. We can assist in establishing health needs plans, assessing capacities, prescribing equipment, assessing home and work environments, developing suitable duties program and monitoring return to work, providing education and support, amongst other things. We liaise and work with all parties who are committed to restoring people’s health and returning them to work and life.
Preventing recurrence
We are committed to assisting individuals and organisations to develop the knowledge and skills to manage and prevent injuries and move Towards Health. Injuries provide an opportunity to improve your health literacy, understand risk, develop better work practices and processes and build “Good Work to prevent recurrence. At Towards Health, we support prevention at all levels of our interventions to enable people to lead healthy lives.
Proactive healthcare
starts with you.
Get started by speaking with a specialist. We can’t wait to transform your workplace into a happy, healthy and vibrant space for your team to excel in.
Or call us on 07 3847 7811